Bronycon doesn’t have a PlushieCon, so we made our own. If you can’t find all the plushies listed, zoom in further!
Hotel room plushiecon stats:
Total plushies: 44
Total value: Way too much
13 Lifesize plushes
11 micro pones
5 travelsize
10 Twilight Sparkle
6 Rainbow dash
4 Fluttershy
4 Spitfire
3 Mayor Mare
2 Princess Luna
2 Tempest Shadow
2 Original characters
2 Maud Pie
1 Applebloom
1 Blossomforth
1 Queen Chrysalis
1 Cheerilee
1 Vapor trail
1 Nightmare Moon
1 Octavia Melody
Saturday night, just a group of people with life size ploosh who all know each other. It wasn’t an advertised event.
TinyBlossom is adorable! I may have to commission you once I have more money :D
Yup, I delivered her to her new home while at the con. She’s a cute and was hard to let go of.
Galacon on the other side had 681 plushies, while 5 of them were some special ones. That’s 0.7%.