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safe2288628 artist:vanillaghosties400 cheerilee11622 sweetie belle58713 earth pony554257 pony1718551 unicorn591195 g42129655 :i1974 abuse11382 angry38766 atg 2017673 best pony1383 caught4666 chalk734 chalk drawing312 chalkboard3776 cheeribuse46 cheerilee is not amused95 current year6 discussion in the comments849 drawing6130 duo211193 duo female43904 eye contact7874 female1920251 filly106735 floppy ears78384 foal55682 frown39019 glare9224 grin67702 imminent spanking302 implied sugarmac85 indoors24655 levitation17428 looking at each other39281 looking at someone22341 magic103371 mare818725 nervous9417 nervous smile2567 newbie artist training grounds9420 now you fucked up394 out of character1330 ponyville schoolhouse856 profile10060 raised hoof77307 religion in the comments56 school2539 sheepish grin484 smiling433951 student361 sweetie belle's magic brings a great big smile259 sweetie fail247 teacher1307 teacher and student508 telekinesis42031 the cmc's cutie marks5358 the emoji movie22 this will end in detention94 this will end in pain2743 this will not end well2670 traditional art150846 unamused25913 wat22325 wide eyes20529 worst pony332 you dun goofed191


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Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
OOOoohhh SHIT. I did not see that
And also for the record I think I fucked up by mixing this comment section up with another tab, and I got lost in the comment section here and at some point thought the most recent comment in the discussion I was making fun of was 3 hours ago, not 3 months ago, so I apologize for making fun of a dead horse. Probably shouldn’t have tagged literally everyone involved either but the thought process was
Sweetie’s chalkboard spam
The off-topic discussion
The large amount of people involved in the discussion
all making a giant wall of trouble, and I thought it was still an active conversation.
Anyway sorry for that earlier, I should probably refrain from talking shit right as I wake up in a daze.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
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A chubby chaser's dream
@Goddess Erosia  
You’re a tad late to be calling us out on that, and if you bothered reading recent comments we were actually trying to steer away from religious discussion as it’s off-topic, and it’s been a long time sense we have. So basically you’re the one starting it up again, no offense.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Memetic eldritch horror
@Goddess Erosia  
Brain damage. I’d say her mom probably regretw droppig her all those times, but she leaves her in the care of her other daughter so it’s not her problem anymore
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
@Beau Skunky
@Prometheus labs CEO
@Psy Key
@Prometheus labs CEO
All of you turned the comments into another one of Sweetie Belle’s chalkboards. What really matters isn’t atheists vs religious vs the comment sections of other media outlets, but instead we should be focusing on what’s about to happen to le belle and why she was so fucking stupid as to literally draw a portrait of herself at the end thinking she wouldn’t get caught. Because that bit kind of makes the fact she was /actually seen in the act/ less meaningful. Because she’s a fuckin dumb-dumb.
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Actual Horse
@Background Pony #4860  
That is mostly because the conversation dropped to “Viewing foalsnuggle is literally the same as snuggling babies” with that comment and nopony added anything relevant to continue the discussion since.
It sure as hell doesn’t undo the literal “”“baby skull kisser””””’s inputs.
Background Pony #94F3
see sweetie belle do this? no! is not her who will do this! some oc or somepony yes but her? no! but not bad!
Background Pony #8ECB
“Aren’t you a pedophile?”  
No other comment has made me lmao this hard 😂
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
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A chubby chaser's dream
Agreed, and as I said people still kill each other over food/money/land/ect., so it’s not just due to beliefs. Getting rid of religion alone isn’t going to end war, and such like some assume. People do that stuff regardless.
Agreed, I kinda wanna end the religious debate too, it’s starting to get a bit touchy, and it’s off-topic, as you pointed out, distracting from the well-made humorous pic above.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Memetic eldritch horror
@Psy Key  
Just for the record cresting s world without religion would extremely difficult as humans are more of less wired to believe in something, wether that be religion or something else. That’s why some people are so obsessive about politics or scientific theories to an insane degree, those are like there religion. And if you did get rid religion somehow society wouldn’t change that much, because humans are also naturally wired to seek conflict. If you took away religion, they’d just replace it with something else, like politics, science, philosophy, morality, or different interpretations of logic and rationality. And some of these people would become zealotously passionate to the point of murdering anyone who doesn’t agree with them. we already see violence between people of different political idiologies and we have religion, do you really wanna know what that would turn into without it. After all people don’t need the encouragement of some supposed deity to commit acrocities, Because things like politics and morality are applicable to the real world in a way that everyone can see, not just those that follow them, so people might use that as justification to commit there acts instead of claiming justification by god. My point is that either way you’d have a world of people killing eachother over there beliefs, those beliefs would just differ
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@Beau Skunky  
You’re right that faith is going down in America. I’m extremely happy by this because of how terrible the entire concept of religion is. (I’d just like to state right here, I’m not trying to be an ass or anything. Please don’t think I hate religious people as a whole, I just hate the concept of religion and a majority of it’s teachings regardless of the faith involved.)
I’m not for Christianity to be outlawed or anything like that, but I do believe religion, when having any sort of swaying power, prevents the world from progressing because of cemented beliefs that go against what reality proves to us. A very common example would be if you wanted someone to build a house for you, but they refuse to use any type of cross sections because their belief is that it makes the structure less stable. You yourself know the structure is more stable with cross sections due to how weight is distributed, but he’s adamant on not including cross sections, and won’t do the house without it. Do you find another contractor to build your house after the first one bought all the materials? You’ve already paid him half upfront for the materials. Do you feel comfortable with him having the power to make your house very flimsy?
This is the issue with religion in society. It promotes many beliefs that completely contradict nature and reality in favor of personal security. It attempts to state that evolution is a lie, but doesn’t even understand what they mean by that when evolution is a fact, and has been for many years. They misconstrued it as a dog turning into an alligator or an ape into a human, when this is simply not how things work. Evolution isn’t singular lines like how Poke’mon evolve in Poke’mon games, there’s thousands upon thousands of divergent branches, and each species that survives is, in essence, as evolved as any other formed around the same time. A fantastic example is how humans are great apes, but aren’t as physically capable as what one may consider a lesser ape on average. Where we differ is our intelligence and other mental facilities, and even these are countered by some lifeforms that understand how we work. It’s just a matter of understanding, and religion promotes ignorance when it jumps the shark and goes for what it believes as fact first, and then attempts to find things that support their projected fact.
It’s true that paganism has aided in the development of different cultures and actually things we still use today in modern function. The only real prominent example is the week days, which come from paganism. In Norse mythology, you have Tyr, Woden, Thor, and Friya, which were Norse gods that represented the Day of War, the Day of the Chieftain (Odin is considered the All-father), the Day of Thunder, the Day of Love. Later on, Roman and Latin ones were adopted (because Paganism), making up Sun, Moon, Saturn. Sunday was a pagan roman holiday in worship of the sun. Monday was a pagan roman holiday in worship of the moon. Saturday was a pagan roman holiday in worship of the goddess Saturn. These later became Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. However, if you’ve noticed, secular values have removed all faith-based context because it doesn’t actually do anything for society as a whole.
And no, humans wouldn’t be primitive if it weren’t for religion. This speculation comes from the fact that humans used paganism to band together. It united people who were too primitive to understand many different aspects of reality. As groups and tribes were formed, as it was understood that we worked better as a group than alone, pagan beliefs turned into religious beliefs, as these beliefs helped cope with daily stresses of life in many aspects. It united people under a single banner, for the most part, and since scientific pursuit was nonexistent at the time, to say that these people had any other option is assuming that they even had the time for scientific understanding. There are many examples of groups that formed without pagan beliefs, because it was realized earlier on that humans were a schooling species that more often than not relied on assistance to get food for a day. Religion simply filled gaps that were areas in which a lack of knowledge was present. It’s only been a recent common practice in history to not trust everything that someone else may tell you, because education has presented a pursuit of accurate knowledge.
And a world without religion is very much achievable. In the same way humans no longer need or use primitive practices such as urine being used as a cleaner, religion will eventually be phased out because greater understanding and proper education replaces empty minds with open ones. This is because things are provable and testable, and scientific advancement has provided with literally everything we use today, while religion has not provided us with any physical object or practice that could be considered useful, or in need of the beliefs it came from, such as our weekdays.
And while faith may give solace to some, it’s brought nothing but pain and suffering for many others. I grew up in a moderately Christian household, and there were many attempts to indoctrinate me. I simply wasn’t interested, mainly because it made no sense in my mind. I was prosecuted by my own parents, and even have my grandmother to this day telling me I deserve hellfire for eternity because I don’t believe in their god. I was forced to attend church against my will, and slapped awake if I attempted to fall asleep. I don’t know of any happy society that would promote such insanity, and it’s these religious individuals that hurt modern religion’s reputation.
But the large issue with that is all religions need to indoctrinate people to survive, and just like crabs in a bucket they pull each other back down when one attempts to leave, which is why you don’t need to put a tab on a bucket of crabs. Children are incredibly easy to indoctrinate because they lack the proper education to rationalize by far, and they’re naive. It results in children being targets because they won’t question anything, and all the happy times and smiling faces is comforting. This is why children’s bibles remove many of the horrific acts of genocide and torture that god puts humanity through in the bible, because society at large expresses why murder is wrong, and these leaders of faith do not want children to think of god as wrong.
There’s so many different things that encapsulate this topic, and I do a very poor job of attempting to explain them all to the depth that they’re owed. If you’re interested in challenging your own knowledge and beliefs, I highly recommend *Theramintrees on Youtube. He’s very direct about his points, and proves them with rationality and logic. He asks the questions that many faiths do not want their followers to ask, because this encourages thought.
And to answer another question, being an atheist doesn’t make a claim on anything except our collective lack of belief in a higher being. Not all atheists are rational, critical thinkers that want what’s best for humanity, and nothing in terms of belief really binds any of us into a group except for the lack thereof. However, many atheists become critical and rational thinkers because they begin to question what’s told to them, and their own beliefs. They scrutinize everything because all beliefs deserve the same scrutiny. Double Standards, when it comes to different beliefs, show a clear and concise bias that I don’t believe any rational or critical thinker would willingly adopt the stance of. It can’t be a microscope for Christianity and a monocular for crystal healing. All beliefs deserve to be put through the same trial in order to be correct. The scientific method is very accurate and good at proving something is correct because it deals with reality.
I’m sorry this was so long. It wasn’t meant to be. Anyway, I hope you have a great day for the rest of it.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
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A chubby chaser's dream
I never understood that “xxx is evil” stuff, as alot of christians are Pokémon fans, enjoy Harry Potter, and such as I pointed out, but like I said some people are weird regardless what faith, (or no faith) they are.
Back in the ’90s, some religious nuts tried to ban Halloween even for “being evil,” but other more sane christians opposed them.  
Which was satired on “King of the Hill,” I remember with Hank Hill (whom is a christian character, but not overly so) whom loved Halloween, clashed with a crazy religious lady trying to get Halloween banned.  
Her “Hallelujah House,” might be a dated joke, but the anti-Halloween folk actually made those back then as a christian alternative to Halloween haunted houses.  
Some ironically were scarrier then the Haunted Houses.
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Actual Horse
You know bois, I used to be very edge lord about Christians. And I regret it not cuz black metal is g00d metal.  
Can you imagine the fury of a young boi who had his yu-gi-oh and Pokémon cards stolen and incinerated because it was Satan’s cards? Very angry boi.
It was not until I was a young adult that I met some reasonable outspoken religious people and right around then I realized that “off course the nut jobs are christians, every single person in this country is a christian what else would the crazy ones be…”
@Beau Skunky  
I hear that percentage is going down, as many Millennials are abandoning their childhood faiths. So christians might actually become a minority in America.
Maybe, but the christian family setup is the only stable one so far. We will see a lot of millennial’s sons coming right back to it after seeing the disaster that a millennial couple usually is. They’ll be like “Hey you know that thing people were doing for over 2000 years to keep a boi and a gal engaged until death do them apart? It turns out it works great let’s do that.”
In fact most if not all of the edge lord headbangers I met are married to christians gals, I don’t think it’s going anywhere any time soon.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
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A chubby chaser's dream
I hear that percentage is going down, as many Millennials are abandoning their childhood faiths. So christians might actually become a minority in America.
I saw a guy on Youtube comments say christianity should be outlawed, and we’re keeping the world from progressing technologically, and such. Ironically, alot of historical scientists & inventors believe in God, or were at least agnostic, and so are some modern ones.  
Some studies done by secular people even state if it wasn’t for the religions, we wouldn’t of developed all the different cultures we have, and we’d actually still be more primitive, and lacking morals, which influenced laws, and society, even in more modern secular cultures.  
So the idea that they spread that a world without christianity, or any religion would be great, (like “Family Guy” and such joked about) or free of war, (what about people killing each other for food, land, and such throughout history?) is actually rather close-minded, and ignorant.
Even if you don’t believe, faith actually helps gives some other people hope, and comfort too. So why take that away from people?  
I think hate just blinds people regardless what they believe. There’s atheists & religious alike whom mindlessly hate everyone different from them. It saddens me.