I’m so excited to bring these to you guys! I’m working closely with my manufacturer to create these super cool, super squishy mouse pads. I’m going to be finalizing my order soon, so pre orders are now open, and for a lower price than what I would normally charge!
they are currently $20 + S/H!! pre orders will last until the end of these month. i’m expecting to get the mouse pads in by june, and then shipped out to all you guys! there are only 25 mouse pads of each design, so get them while you can.
please signal boost and show this to any of your friends that might be interested!! it would be super helpful and i’ll be so grateful to you! this is a pretty big investment for me so i’m nervous about it, but i really hope you guys like them!

your current filter.
your current filter.Thank you for the reply - it’s a shame.
Edited because: Name change
Are there any more units available for Celestia? Thank you.
Well, if anything you’d have another buyer in advance. (Me) cause I love chrysalis most out of the show besides trixie. Kinda tied there. But yeah. I’ll be watching out for an update whenever you choose to do so!
possibly!! again, MOQs and all that~
How about some chrsyalis love? <3
if these sell out i’ll consider doing more!! including cadence ;)
Your post gives me hope for humanity sir. As I 100% agree that privicy should be respected. Although on the topic of parents or adults finding adult things… my mlp merch is out for show, meanwhile the “toys” definitely should be more well hidden then I have them. But my shame is set to 0 it seems XD
Sounds like a plan. Good to know.~ Can’t wait to get ahold of the squishy sunbutt booty <3
June! Manufacturer takes 10 days to make, and shipping will be around 10-15 days from them to me.
Wow…is that even legal in your jurisdiction?
Nevermind legality for a second: on ‘moral’ grounds, I’d consider it a serious invasion of privacy, and a lack of respect for one’s own child, especially if the child is the person who ordered the product through the post, or of legal ‘adult’ age. An exception, of course, would be if they’ve been the target of ‘unsolicited’ deliveries, e.g. received items from child predators, stalkers, etc.
I apologize if I seem overly perturbed by this, but I take privacy very seriously.
If you’re of a certain age, it is AMAZINGLY easy to explain. Almost any human that’s been through their teenage years would understand, at least to some extent. If not, they’ll just be confused. Then it’s hilarious. :)
Oh forgot to ask, when are these shipped? <3
explain that it’s to protect your wrist from carpal tunnel! :P
for real though, that sucks that they go through your mail ):
Oh GOD I want a Luna one
I even have the funds, but my parents go through my post and it wouldn’t be easy to explain away a pad like THAT
Mousepad is $20 on sale ($25 if not), shipping is $15 for international. So no, the shipping isn’t more than the product itself. Sorry, but shipping to anywhere outside the USA is pricey, especially since these are going to have significant weight due to the gel pads ):
i really appreciate that omg :’)
It’s no problem, I’ve been telling a lot of people about your mousepads so you may have more potential buyers soon. You helped me get a booty mousepad, I’ll help you with sales lul.
wow thank you!!
@Background Pony #597B
Because most people don’t know “oshiri” but do know “oppai”. All about that SEO, dude.
That’s weird. Why do people search for tits when they want butts?
Technically, yes you’re right. But ‘oppai’ is usually used more in searches as a catch-all term for a lewd 3D mousepad. When you search ‘oppai mousepad’ on Google images, you get both boobs and butts, and vice-versa!
These are butts