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Pupil’s first morning.Time to wake up and learn you some studies!Science has proven that sleepovers improve studies by 16%.I fidgeted with this image more than I should have. It took a lot longer than it should have. I’m about 85% happy with the results. I avoided real shading due to the way in which I colored the image. I could have re-colored it, but I’m itching to move onto other drawings.This image originally started out as a sequel to my, “Bring forth the day”, and, “Bring forth the night” images. It was to have both Celestia and Luna with the sun and moon on their respective sides.I then tried drawing Celestia’s wings at their full wingspan. It looked horrendous and I could not get the wings to look right. I abandoned and almost stopped working on the image. I then came back and popped lil’ Twilight on there and the rest is history.This image was …
Sketched in OC4.
Inked in Paint Tool SAI.
Sketched on some more in OC4.
New sketching was inked in OC4.
Flat colors in OC4.
Highlights, overload of bloom/glows done in Paint Tool SAI.I think I covered everything.OH NO SMALL KNIVES, MY ONLY WEAKNESS.Edit: I’ve seen that bookmark before …
Higher-res version of >>33762 (merged) (6/7/2012)
But feel fine to keep trying for a little longer. I’m sure my heart will make i–
Assuming she gets bedhead, of course.