Actually, I would say they parted on good terms at the end of the episode. {Tenderhoof and AJ} And Trender did learn his lesson and stopped harassing her. He wasn’t a bad guy, really. So I kind of ship it, though not many people have tried tackling this ship. They usually stick to more ‘classic’ pairings, which is a shame.
I said more chemistry, not basis. FlashLight also has more basis, doesn’t mean it make more sense. And usually people who dislike discoshy or say that they dislike shipping, are part of the dislestia group or have Rainbow Dash kissing Fluttershy in their avatar. There’s some who say and actually don’t ship any of them, but they aren’t a vocal part of the fandom. The fact is that people mostly dislike it because it hurt their headcanons about those characters dating somone else. But they need to realise that the show won’t cater to them and they will keep doing what they were doing so far. In this case, develop Discord and Fluttershy bond and ignore his bond with Celestia.
@Background Pony #EB12
“The only people who don’t ship discoshy are dislestia shippers as it’s the only reason why prefer them as friends. “
What?! The only people, who ‘don’t’ ship Discoshy are Dislestia shippers? Sounds like a bad case of “stop not liking what I like” to me. Pretty sure there are countless other resons not to ship Discoshy. Like not being a shipper in the first place. Or shipping Fluttershy with any other character. Ditto with Celestia. And Discord.
“more chemistry than Cadance/Shining” … “that just spawned recently”
… So a completely fanon invention have more basis than an actual cannon relationship? And apparently S2 is recently? As a relentless shipper myself, what the *yay* are you on?
The only people who don’t ship discoshy are dislestia shippers as it’s the only reason why prefer them as friends. From story perspective they have more chemistry than Cadance/Shining or any Marble/BigMac Sunburst/Glimmer that just spawned recently.
>Because it’s not like she hated her guts during the episode. Granted, you can work around that, but I haven’t found a fanfic yet that does that believably
>I can definately ship this
I prefer them as friends. One of the most powerful demonstrations the show has had that friendship is indeed magic.
It’s marginable better than Canon x Oc
Eh, I don’t really care either way.
They are nice designs. I love the multicolored feathers, especially on Dashie.
And I’m a supporter of one of these pairings (Soarindash) and neutral to mildly supportive of most of the others.
That said, I have to question the logic of anyone who pairs Applejack with somepony who pretty much stalked her. I’m pretty sure that if AJ wasn’t trying to be nice to him for Rarity’s sake, he’d have wound up in either prison or the hospital.
@Background Pony #9FA0
>“obnoxious shipper” She was just asking a question.
Just looked through couple of her tweets, where she constantly annoys staff with shipping stuff.
@Background Pony #EB12
>Amy Keating Rogers commented recently that she think they would make a cute couple
Eh, she just gave most polite and neutral answer to obnoxious shipper, doesn’t really means anything.
Showers my undying Love for Discoshy.
I breath this ship.
I don’t know how to feel about Flashlight.
I mean, I really like Flash Sentrys design but my biggest issue is how the show decided to handle/present him.
They didn’t go with the rout: Hello! My I’m Flash sentry and I have ambitions/interest/goals and a developed personality.
What they went with instead was: Hello! I’m Flash sentry and I’m your one dimensional love interest.
I really can’t stand when shows/movies does this, the character pretty much only end up as a trophy.
I’d love to see an episode centered around flash, where we get to know the character more and maybe have a development between him and twilight, not a romantic one but a more friendship oriented one.
I’m a sucker for relationship that have a chance to grow within a show.
Sparity is another one I don’t know how to feel about.
I used to be in favor of this ship, but after the Equestria girls movies, I have a really hard time looking past the fact, that spike is a dog.
I stand very neutral when it comes to ships within the mlp fandom, either I LOVE some or I’m not interested. But I don’t go around actively hating on a ship,which I see is pretty common and is pretty much a waste of energy.
Though there is ONE ship that get’s under my skin, but that’s a subject I will not take up here.
Maybe even Fluttercord too
Actually, I would say they parted on good terms at the end of the episode. {Tenderhoof and AJ} And Trender did learn his lesson and stopped harassing her. He wasn’t a bad guy, really. So I kind of ship it, though not many people have tried tackling this ship. They usually stick to more ‘classic’ pairings, which is a shame.
I said more chemistry, not basis. FlashLight also has more basis, doesn’t mean it make more sense. And usually people who dislike discoshy or say that they dislike shipping, are part of the dislestia group or have Rainbow Dash kissing Fluttershy in their avatar. There’s some who say and actually don’t ship any of them, but they aren’t a vocal part of the fandom. The fact is that people mostly dislike it because it hurt their headcanons about those characters dating somone else. But they need to realise that the show won’t cater to them and they will keep doing what they were doing so far. In this case, develop Discord and Fluttershy bond and ignore his bond with Celestia.
“The only people who don’t ship discoshy are dislestia shippers as it’s the only reason why prefer them as friends. “
What?! The only people, who ‘don’t’ ship Discoshy are Dislestia shippers? Sounds like a bad case of “stop not liking what I like” to me. Pretty sure there are countless other resons not to ship Discoshy. Like not being a shipper in the first place. Or shipping Fluttershy with any other character. Ditto with Celestia. And Discord.
“more chemistry than Cadance/Shining” … “that just spawned recently”
… So a completely fanon invention have more basis than an actual cannon relationship? And apparently S2 is recently? As a relentless shipper myself, what the *yay* are you on?
The only people who don’t ship discoshy are dislestia shippers as it’s the only reason why prefer them as friends. From story perspective they have more chemistry than Cadance/Shining or any Marble/BigMac Sunburst/Glimmer that just spawned recently.
>Because it’s not like she hated her guts during the episode. Granted, you can work around that, but I haven’t found a fanfic yet that does that believably
>I can definately ship this
They are nice designs. I love the multicolored feathers, especially on Dashie.
And I’m a supporter of one of these pairings (Soarindash) and neutral to mildly supportive of most of the others.
That said, I have to question the logic of anyone who pairs Applejack with somepony who pretty much stalked her. I’m pretty sure that if AJ wasn’t trying to be nice to him for Rarity’s sake, he’d have wound up in either prison or the hospital.
Is there a video about that?
not anymore, storywise it has been abandoned.
What do you mean, Flashlight makes the most sense and most likely to happen
After Hearthbreakers, it’s kinda obvious seeing its Big Mac’s first crush ever.
She say who’d she’d pair Big Macintosh with?
Oh wow, OK. I see that now.
>“obnoxious shipper” She was just asking a question.
Just looked through couple of her tweets, where she constantly annoys staff with shipping stuff.
“obnoxious shipper” She was just asking a question.
Though I agree that it doesn’t mean anything considering AKR doesn’t work for DHX anymore.
>Amy Keating Rogers commented recently that she think they would make a cute couple
Eh, she just gave most polite and neutral answer to obnoxious shipper, doesn’t really means anything.
Not really a fan of the others, I’m afriad.
I breath this ship.
I don’t know how to feel about Flashlight.
I mean, I really like Flash Sentrys design but my biggest issue is how the show decided to handle/present him.
They didn’t go with the rout: Hello! My I’m Flash sentry and I have ambitions/interest/goals and a developed personality.
What they went with instead was: Hello! I’m Flash sentry and I’m your one dimensional love interest.
I really can’t stand when shows/movies does this, the character pretty much only end up as a trophy.
I’d love to see an episode centered around flash, where we get to know the character more and maybe have a development between him and twilight, not a romantic one but a more friendship oriented one.
I’m a sucker for relationship that have a chance to grow within a show.
Sparity is another one I don’t know how to feel about.
I used to be in favor of this ship, but after the Equestria girls movies, I have a really hard time looking past the fact, that spike is a dog.
I stand very neutral when it comes to ships within the mlp fandom, either I LOVE some or I’m not interested. But I don’t go around actively hating on a ship,which I see is pretty common and is pretty much a waste of energy.
Though there is ONE ship that get’s under my skin, but that’s a subject I will not take up here.