Duck - Shills for Shillary

@Techy Pony  
To be fair I have nothing against the Chinese eating, what they eat. They’re quite welcome to it. I certainly don’t feel, and greater morality in the fact that I don’t eat Cat, and or Dogs….  
(Save the Ones sold at the Stadiums w/extra Chilly and Cheese lol!!!)
I can see how you might think that way though. That’s why I think it comes down to the overall culture One is brought up in.
Again try getting a delicious Quarter Pounder w/Cheese in New Dehli, or Kolkata where illeagl to kill Cattle in some of the States within India. Oddly enough they do seem to eat the stuff over their according to some of the stuff I read on the Net about it. (Thanks Topic!)
Duck - Shills for Shillary

@Techy Pony  
I’m not gonna say its the definitive answer, but its likely the best your gonna get here. To be honest I like all kinda of Meat. Especially Venison. (i.e. Bambi Meat!). But, I would probably skip Barfs (YCDTOTV), Cat Burgers. Well again I don’t live in a Culture that makes a habit of eating Cats. So I personally don’t eat Cats. I could say the same for Horses as well. But given the Horse Meat scandal from last year I doubt anyone living in Europe can be too sure of that. But, as a rule I tend to stick with Poultry, Fish, Beef and Pork where possible.
‘Cause that’s what I was raised up to believe as being normal meat Rabbit, Venison, and Duck are ok too. But, are in a category I like to call “exotic foods”. (i.e. on special occasions or Feast Days.)
Techy Pony

So it comes down to cultural relativism? No different than an emotional reaction really. I’m all fine and dandy with that, but when someone says something really racist and supremacist about other cultures foods and can’t defend their own outside of “because I think dogs are cute” it just pisses me off. I swear, non-vegetarians/vegans here will eat (or at least try) anything aside from dolphin, monkey/ape (ignoring all other primates), horses, dogs and cats, and they have no good reason to put the last three on the same level as primates and then call those who don’t have a problem eating those three barbaric. Gah..people….
Meanwhile, I’ll just sit here avoiding all meat but being stuck eating it anyway out of habit and my distaste for most vegetables xD
Duck - Shills for Shillary

@Techy Pony  
I can give you a simple One Word answer….
Its why Westerner’s generally do NOT eat their house Pets. Its why Indains probably hate everyone eles guts Eating Beef. The flesh of the Gods! lol…  
And, why a place like China with its over population, and limited? Flatland’s (or at least the internal infrastructure needed to make the transportation of such… Of what could be described as normal meat possible to those well outside the wires of Hong Kong, or Beijing.
In times like this I like to defer to a higher authority…

Because my dog is not made of delicious bacon.
Techy Pony

Haha, I will reiterate though. None of my debate was whether or not people should eat animals, but why one would say it’s fine to eat a pig and not a dog. (or something similar)
Just for the sake of debate though (though more just for shits and giggles), “Because Humans need to eat”, go eat some veggies, “and we like eating tasty animals…”, what if I find human flesh to be rather tasty?
India is within striking distance, that’s why xD
Duck - Shills for Shillary

Besides I think… Though I have no grounds on which to base it on. The Chinese probably eat Cats & Dogs, because they’re easier to keep then Cattle are. I have no real clue if China is as mountainous as I think it is. But, I suspect it would be pretty difficult having to deal with them.
Duck - Shills for Shillary

@Techy Pony  
Because Humans need to eat, and we like eating tasty animals…  
Techy Pony

Again, that wouldn’t in any way support eating pigs over dogs. Plus, why would people place so much value on the elderly?
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@Techy Pony  
Because it wouldn’t live that long even if they didn’t kill it?
Techy Pony

I don’t see why that would determine worth, or why that would have anything to do with the original topic, as in how would that make a pig less valuable? I’ve never considered humans more valuable due to our lifespan, which by the way used to be ~ 30-40 maybe even less. No one gives a crap about turtles, but they live a long time. People will happily cut down a tree that’s thousands of years old.
If humans placed value on longevity, then explain why they would go out of their way to kill something and make its life even shorter lived?
Duck - Shills for Shillary

Well I wonder what India thinks about the rest of the World eating Beef Burgers?
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Horses live around thirty years, I think.
Duck - Shills for Shillary

What the lifespan of a non-french Horse?  
Why France? Well ’cause they eat Horse Meat ya silly!
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@Techy Pony  
Also, it takes a lot longer and more resources to raise a human than it does to raise a dog or pretty much any other animal. Part of the reason humans put themselves at such a high value is because compared to other species, we are inherently high maintenance creatures.
A dog lives what, 10-15 years, tops? A pig a few years younger than that, assuming that it doesn’t get slaughtered first? Humans place a value on longevity, animals that live longer are less likely to be eaten, it seems.
Techy Pony

Animals do feel, and to some extent have emotions, how much though is different between different animals. Humans obviously are the highest on the list of feeling and having a sense of valuing their life. However, when you get to cows, chickens, horses, dogs, cats etc. none of them are definitively more “valuable” in the sense that humans give to other humans, so why one would be fine with killing a cow but not a dog is purely emotional. You play with your dog and you realize it’s a wonderful little creature and you’d not like to see it be hurt. Since 99% of people probably don’t spend time around “food” animals, they probably don’t see that they’re really no different and so they don’t care.
I’d have more of a problem with you killing humans than apes, then dolphins, then most other animals, then bugs then germs. We give “higher species” more regard, and justifiably perhaps, but if you’re going to eat a pig then you’ve got no good reason to not eat a dog.
My point with the slavery (as I said it’s far fetched), is that people saw themselves as more valuable then those they had as slaves and that they were there merely to serve them. The belief that that was true didn’t make it any less wrong, similarly, the belief that pigs being raised to be eaten doesn’t make it any less wrong or more right (depending on your stance) than if the animal weren’t raised to be eaten.

I’d eat dog.
Princess Ember - Derpi Supporter
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@Techy Pony  
The slavery comparison isn’t apt. The animals that we domesticate are not sapient.
Before you ask, keeping apes/sapient animals in zoos is another issue entirely that isn’t comparable to that of a pig.
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how is this offensive if it´s true?
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Well, to be fair I’m an equal opportunity carnivore. I’d be willing to cook and eat human, provided someone else bopped him or her on the head and did the skinning. Makes me wonder if different races have different flavors.
@Techy Pony  
I wasn’t saying you were trolling. Troll logic is where you prove something with a fallacious statement. Like, “I have a magical talisman that prevents rain. It is not raining outside. Therefore the talisman works” or “I have hurt myself many times but never broken a bone, therefore my bones are unbreakable.”
A lot of it too, like you said, is purely a cultural thing. Growing up in Québec, eating horse is totally the norm. You can go into the meat aisle of a store and you’ll see chicken, beef, horse, pork all in a row. Now I live in Tennessee, in the U.S. If I bring up that I eat horse, people look at me with disgust and think I’m some repulsive hillbilly or something. Usually I’ll get some bleeding-heart horse lover ranting on me for ‘eating such beautiful creatures and wah wah wah’.
And it is true, a lot of it is emotional as well. I used to help slaughter the chickens as a kid. It was just the norm, I thought little of it. Yet I had a pet chicken, a little one that I hatched myself from an egg with a little lightbulb, and she followed me around like I was her mom. Believe me, they’re surprisingly affectionate and intelligent for the credit they get. When she died (Neville was her name) I cried like a little pussy.
Techy Pony

Yeah some kinds are adorable, just doesn’t make sense.
Techy Pony

Yes I know it’s a far fetched comparison, but that’s pretty close to the mentality of people when they had slaves. A perceived purpose doesn’t suddenly make it right or wrong. I’m not claiming it’s right or wrong to eat animals, just that your reasoning for it being fine to eat one kind but not another is just plain bad.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
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Gizmonics Scientist
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Gizmonics Scientist
Don’t be so sure.  
(turns on a monitor to show an alternate universe where pigs reign, dog are livestock, and humans are pets)