I once saw a video on youtube about certain episodes from Looney Tunes being banned from television due to the racial remarks made by the characters.

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Good night to you then, though I would argue a forum would be the ideal place to continue this line of discussion.
Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
Coolio. And yes I loved that cartoon and the series.  
And having talks with my mother and father about cartoons I think I got a good idea as to how others see cartoons.  
My Mother: Loved the classics despite the violence; hates current cartoons in the past that try the more brash and mature and also dislikes the fluffy puff shows.  
My Dad: Loved the classics; hates the fluff; loves some of the newer cartoons that try like Regular Show, Adventure Time, Clone Wars, etc.  
[Off to sleep, but this was a great conversation. I can go deeper with this if you wanna. Though maybe in a massage so we don’t hog the comments]
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Never got into anime myself, but like I said, watched the Star Wars trilogy by age 7, got into Sci-Fi as a result.
Bottom line, children can handle a lot more then we give them credit for, and we’re downright insulting them by sugar coating all their entertainment.
You know what I’m thinking of now? The Star Wars cartoon series. That show was brutal as all hell!
Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
Same here, pal.  
At first (age 5) I didn’t care for cartoons for anything outside of a time killer. The around 7 I got more interested and invested. Then it skyrocketed after my father and my uncle both introduced me to anime (Those two loved dragon ball z and so did I) and video games (They loved playstation 1 and 2 while I was more attracted to to my dad’s N64). I wanted to get into comics as a kid (I do now), but their wasn’t many comic stores in all the places my family moved to (and I move alot 0-0 )  
Wow I really got off topic heehee (blush)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

OK, I see where the differences come up. I’ve always been more interested in media that uses violence/horror to contribute to story or atmosphere. As a kid (7-12), I was heavily vested in Avatar, Star Wars and Sonic Adventure 2. I really only started branching out and going retro at around 14, getting into stuff like Doctor Who, Adventure Time, the MOTHER series, superhero cartoons (the DC ones, specifically) and Gargoyles.

Looney Tunes wasn’t supposed to be for kids.
Anyway, family shows are still full of “child inappropriate” material but it’s subtle.
Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
Oh I see. Well Courage is the first to come to mind with it’s multitude of odd/scary imagery.  
Classics like Loony Toons and Tom and Jerry had a multitude of alcohol, violence, sexual innuendo.  
Others like Hey Arnold had a drug reference or two, etc.
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Young Leosword
In the late ‘90s, CN played shitloads more classics before Boomerang was founded… I’m 24. L:
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Huh. You’re actually just about my age. What were you thinking of, specifically? Cause most of the good children’s stuff I mostly discovered as a teenager.
Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
Maybe, maybe not. I just turned 17 :/
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I’m guessing you’re from an older generation then myself?
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Young Leosword
Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry had loads of both hardcore physical comedy and drinking. :j
Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
We did. I remember loving and staring in fear/confusing with some of my old cartoons. :D
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Kids love violence and horror, especially when they happen to someone who deserves it.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony
Man, our media sucks. Why can’t we have more violence and horror marketed to kids? It builds character, I’m certain.
Background Pony #0964
Japan too. Pretty much every mainstream anime you hear fans whine are so mature and for adults are shojo or shonen.
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Young Leosword
Quite. Rare proved this. XD
Background Pony #0964
Toddler vs elemenentary aged shows is more like it.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

And if you’re in the UK, family also covers: murder, racism, and mind scarring horror.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
Okey doke… :3