Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

What kind of hellhole is that?
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
Maybe it just seems that way to me because I’m coming here from a site that banned me for a week for saying this to somebody:
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Staff here seems really laid back and hands off .. _I like that.
I’ve been banned a grand total of once for calling LondonMobileBuddies autistic and dm29 retarded.  
I’ve pretty much avoided using both terms because I don’t know if it was them alone or the nature of my comments that triggered the mods.  
As far as I know, faggot is also off limits.  
I personally don’t think they’re that laid back depending on the circumstances.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
Ech, probably should have spoilered that xP
But I brought this up because this would’ve gotten me instabanned in most places. Staff here seems really laid back and hands off ._. I like that.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
I posted a picture of hitler while caps spamming GAY COMMUNIST GYPSIE JEWS and all i got was this stupid duck badge
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Professional supermodel
You weren’t serious? :P (Well, it is hard to tell if somebody’s joking online.)
We actually have pretty chill admins. I saw ‘em get literally cussed out by some crazy guy once, and didn’t even ban him.

@Beau Skunky  
Oh, I know people say that about our admins… heck, I’ve said it a number of times as a joke, but lately I’ve said it a bit too often about the ’booru admins; I feel like I should lay off of ‘em a bit before people think I’m serious. scratches head sheepishly
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Professional supermodel
Some relate to “shy” characters ‘cause they’re a li’l “shy” IRL. Kinda like how you can relate to Limestone. ;)
Some say the same about our admins. Some people really like to “rebel” against authority.
Though, honestly from my experiences the admins here & the ones from EqD are quite nice. (Most of the time.)
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
Oh, no, I don’t use EQD.
Someone on here did call me Satan the other day though, so make of that what you will

The problem is it is all you
How’d you know the words of endearment my parents said to me every night? :O
I’m extremely paranoid when it comes to discussing personal information about myself, but I’ll just… leave it at that. shudders
Well, Lime resonates with you for, as I said, personal reasons. There’s probably a whole SLEW of reasons you could give if you went in-depth with your reasoning, but we can agree…
… it’s because you’re evil. You’re so evil, you’re probably an Equestria Daily admin.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
Again, I’m the opposite - I cannot fucking stand shy characters. Moe girls like Marble and Fluttershy are the kinds of shy characters that are the deepest on my shitlist, too.
Lime just resonates with me, though :V
Artist -

EqG fan + Love Liver
I am pretty more or less a mistake. I have been diagnosed with autism since I was 1.

Eeyup. My mom didn’t mind at all since she already had a daughter and her OCD ways compelled her to have a matched set of a boy and a girl.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Oh! Were you an accidental pregnancy too? My parents already had two kids, but they were planned, then I just kinda….happened, hehe.

I WILL say that a mistake is always possible
Shoot, if it wasn’t for human error, I wouldn’t be here.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

I have a sister just like Limestone…so I actually really like the character because it’s nice to see Pinkie deal with THAT kind of person ;D
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Interesting argument, but the problem is it is all you. You are making assumptions based on your own experiences and what you think others will not enjoy about this picture. Pondering is fine and all, but it doesn’t in any way help us understand the motive for a down vote. Only the person who downvoted can tell us why they did it, if they even did it intentionally. Your process leads to overthinking and self doubt because you can see every problem with a picture that someone, somewhere might have a problem with.  
All we can do is suppose, and without any data beyond the fact that a downvote happened, it’s only guesswork to try and find out why.

I love shy character personalities, myself, but as someone with personal connections to people… resembling Limestone’s personality, you can probably understand my dislike for it.
… ‘specially if I’ve been with some of those people since I was born. ¬_¬
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
I’m actually the total opposite - I love this image because of Limestone, and I don’t really like the rest xP
I’m okay with Pinkie and Maud, but I wouldn’t say I like them, and I just despise Marble’s mere existence.

They’re treated as different ponies not only because of Cupcakes (Where she has fun while being straight-maned), but also because in the show, being straight-maned in a sign of her being miserable, which contrasts with the image looking like she’s rocking out.
It’s primarily a thing based around perspective, but also what it means and how it’s scene. Even if someone doesn’t know what Cupcakes is, an image-search of straight-maned Pinkie will bring far more graphic images than an image-search of her in her usual happy, poofy-maned state. Generally speaking, the straight mane is far more associated with dark themes, and for those who don’t like it, they dislike it on-sight (like people who dislike Twilicorn because it’s Twilicorn.)
I WILL say that a mistake is always possible, we’re only human after all, but I just have an issue with that being the go-to explanation; the default excuse for the downvote. Y’gotta consider as many things as possible. Then you can not only further understand what makes some fans vote the way they do, but maybe work with it to better the content that’s produced.
… and personally, I LOVE this image, even if I don’t like Limestone.

I know you mean Pinkamena as in Cupcakes Pinkamena, but I still don’t get why people treat these two names like they’re different ponies. Pinkie has a darkside too, we all do, it’s one of those silly things tha fandom drove so hard into the ground they created two whole Pinkie Pies.
Pinkamena Diane Pie in this is still very much Pinkie Pie. If that happens to be the reason somehow for the downvote, that would be one really dumb reason. She’s had flat hair several times now in the show even when she’s not sad. You’d think people would be over that beyond that hair = personality type. Smile HD has poofy maned Pinkie, and that was super graphic.
Could also be that one person who just loves being that ONE GUY who just needs to get FIRST on downvotes. ;3
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Or it was a mistake. I’ve accidentally downvoted pictures before, so it takes no small stretch of the imagination to imagine just one of the numerous people who accidentally hit downvote instead of upvote didn’t realize…  
Kudos for the theories, though :)

I’m gonna give you three alternative scenarios for how someone would have downvoted this.
One: They disliked the use of Pinkie’s sisters in the episode, particularly their personalities (as their designs are based around what they were like in her flashback for how Pinkie got her cutie mark, though they seemed happier as fillies).
Two: Dislike of the metal-inspired picture due to liking a different brand of music, and possibly thinking they would fit better with another style (Folk, Ska, etc.).
Three: Pinkie resembles Pinkamena here. Some prefer Pinkie over Pinkamena, and someone might dislike it as a result of the artist’s choice to use Pinkamena instead. This is also the strongest argument, as this would be based around someone liking the image enough from the thumbnail to see it, but being disappointed with the character choice, to the point where they downvoted out of preference.
… I need a nap, now.

“Your life is ended by sirens.”

That one person likely noticed Limestone’s personalized and clearly directed specifically for them, practically gift wrapped, middle finger directly squarely at them and took offense.
Clearly they knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this picture was dedicated as a big F U to them and had to show their immense displeasure towards our beautiful rocking Pie girls and the all too amazingly rocklicious Limestone.
They know in their heart of hearts they’ll never be as awesome as any of these fictional beauties.