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Roleplaying » Breaking into Opaline’s dark castle » Post 2

Background Pony #16EE
Deputy Mare: And YOU’RE collaborating and harbouring a dangerous fugitive! Plus, you can’t call it trespassing if there’s a warrant out for your arrest!

Roleplaying » Breaking into Opaline’s dark castle » Post 1

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Deputy Mare:
It’s going to take a whole special ops team to search through ALL those rooms in quick time!
Inspector Mare:
Uhhh, sister! My cellphone isn’t picking up any bars!
Deputy Mare:
DRAT!! Mine neither! I guess we’re on our own, Sheriff! No back up to help us out this time!
No signal across this area of regalia, I’m afraid Sisters. We’ll have to continue pressing forward without them.
Inspector Mare:
Dang ol’ stormy weather…
Sunny Starscout:
I can’t believe this is here.
Pipp Petals:
She’s got great style!
Look up over there! Even those skeletal props hanging by the ceiling looks dashingly authentic!! Our local party stores couldn’t even get the bone structures right!
Uhhhh, guys? I don’t think these skeletons are props…can’t you see the scorch marks and charred bits of debris hanging off it??
UUGGH, even MORE sinister! Somepony seems to like the hobby of grave-robbing around the funeral pyre too fondly!
Yeah, hopefully this grave-robbery around the funeral pyre that somepony calls Opaline’s castle settles even into building (comes with) a (basement) mortuary (hidden) around this blackened centre.
@Background Pony #F2B7
Professor: You and me both. Who would even want to see somepony dig up somepony’s burnt remains, even if a grim dark place like this??
Zipp Storm:
What is this place, Misty?! And how do you know your way around so well?!
Deputy Mare: You’ve been to this place, haven’t you??? You KNEW where those traffickers were going to take that dragon! Why haven’t you report anything about your suspicions of this place earlier??
Misty: There’s no time to explain!
Hitch Trailblazer: Where’s Sparky?!
Deputy Mare: NO MORE GAMES, MISTY!!! It’s time that you finally release whatever is on your chest! Hiding the truth will only make it much worse for yourself!
Misty: We have to get him before Opaline comes—!
Opaline Arcana:
OH, I’m right here!
Dehorned Henchmare:
MORE skeletons for me to add to my collection closet, Misty??!
Guard Stallion: You ponies are trespassing on private property!

Roleplaying » Breaking into Opaline’s dark castle » Topic Opener

Background Pony #16EE
Deputy Mare:
It’s going to take a whole special ops team to search through ALL those rooms in quick time!
Inspector Mare:
Uhhh, sister! My cellphone isn’t picking up any bars!
Deputy Mare:
DRAT!! Mine neither! I guess we’re on our own, Sheriff! No back up to help us out this time!
No signal across this area of regalia, I’m afraid Sisters. We’ll have to continue pressing forward without them.
Inspector Mare:
Dang ol’ stormy weather…
Sunny Starscout:
I can’t believe this is here.
Pipp Petals:
She’s got great style!
Look up over there! Even those skeletal props hanging by the ceiling looks dashingly authentic!! Our local party stores couldn’t even get the bone structures right!
Uhhhh, guys? I don’t think these skeletons are props…can’t you see the scorch marks and charred bits of debris hanging off it??
UUGGH, even MORE sinister! Somepony seems to like the hobby of grave-robbing around the funeral pyre too fondly!
Yeah, hopefully this grave-robbery around the funeral pyre that somepony calls Opaline’s castle settles even into building (comes with) a (basement) mortuary (hidden) around this blackened centre.
@Background Pony #F2B7
Professor: You and me both. Who would even want to see somepony dig up somepony’s burnt remains, even if a grim dark place like this??
Zipp Storm:
What is this place, Misty?! And how do you know your way around so well?!
Deputy Mare: You’ve been to this place, haven’t you??? You KNEW where those traffickers were going to take that dragon! Why haven’t you report anything about your suspicions of this place earlier??
Misty: There’s no time to explain!
Hitch Trailblazer: Where’s Sparky?!
Deputy Mare: NO MORE GAMES, MISTY!!! It’s time that you finally release whatever is on your chest! Hiding the truth will only make it much worse for yourself!
Misty: We have to get him before Opaline comes—!
Opaline Arcana:
OH, I’m right here!
Dehorned Henchmare:
MORE skeletons for me to add to my collection closet, Misty??!
Professor: Uggh, GUYS??!! The owners are back!
gasps You’re that swine who came to the unicorn sleep-over!
Deputy Mare: AHHH SHINGLES on a stick!!
(Whips out three-barreled riot cannon)
FREEZE!! HOOVES UP!! Whoever you are!! This is the Maretime Bay Police Department!! Don’t move or I will open fire!!
You are in illegal possession of a dangerous exotic specimen and I am in my pony rights to perform a citizen’s arrest for the crime of wildlife trafficking!
Dehorned Henchmare:
…..Ahhhhh, well ain’t that a pretty familiar sight to behold! It’s good to see you again––OFFICER!
Inspector Mare:
Deputy Mare:
YOU’RE the prickweed who trafficked that dragon??!!
Dehorned Henchmare:
…..HAHAHAHAAHA, excellent deduction, ya snouts! I LOVE to stay and chat for some nice cider and tea, but we gotta world to conquer! And we can’t have you sewer rats scurrying around the castle while we make preparations!
Deputy Mare: (Firing riot cannon to break shield, but cannot penetrate)
I can’t punch through it!!
College Activist: (Bucks at the shield)
UGHUGH!!! Neither can I! LET US GO!!!
You mean (to tell me that) you (actually) let a wanted criminal in the Brighthouse?!
[We] [didn’t] not known until she tried to steal the lantern
Scenario: After arriving at the destination of Opaline’s dark castle, the Mane Five, Misty and the rest of the “back-up force” consisting of two police deputies and a few other amateurish sleuths must explore the castle to look for Sparky Sparkeroni. Unfortunately, they are all about to be caught by a certain evil alicorn.

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