Viewing last 25 versions of post by Garden Tinker in topic Site Development Notification and Feedback Thread

Garden Tinker
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Chrome Version 93.0.4577.107 (Official Build) (64-bit), and can confirm image spoilering is not operating correctly, and that comments- and favorites numbers cannot be seen above any image:
(The image-adding system for comments seems to be completely borked on the normal site for my setup as well, at least when it comes to imgur images, given that the example images in the Detailed Syntax Guide won't even load, so I hope this actually posts for anypony/everypony else.)

Also, on one hand, the bold (Featured Image, list titles at bottom of page) feels too aggressive. On the other, it feels VERY videogame-y, at least with the all-caps font, for whatever reason, and I'm down for that. Furthermore, I'm using a Chromebook netbook, rather than a pocket device, for perspective on that 'aggression'.

I wish I could double-check things with my desktop's Firefox, but I have no current way of connecting it to the internet at the moment.

Still holding on tightly to [this one](/forums/meta/topics/site-development-notification-and-feedback-thread?post_id=5551919#post_5551919), friend. Had to take a moment to remind myself that this, in theory, is not what the desktop version will be.

I swear, it's the most inconsequential things (the appearance of a website vs. something like an impending natural disaster) that can most easily nearly cause some of us a panic attack...

Edit:  Just offhandedly clicked an image and scrolled down to see if it had comments, and ew ew ew ew, round profile pics by default is _gross._  Dx

- > And please, please don’t go to the ~abhorrent~ circular profile picture concept that everywhere else has gone to. It doesn’t look better than the square version. It never has.
No reason given
Edited by Garden Tinker